Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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File Area Manager
RemoteAccess 1.11/2.00
Maximus 2.xx
Tubbs 1.00
QuickBBS 2.6x/2.7x
SuperBBS 1.1x
Proboard 2.00
Copyright (c) 1990-94 by FenrisUlven Data & Patrik Sjöberg
Disclaimer ...................................................1
What is FEBBS? ...............................................2
Features .....................................................3
How to get Started ...........................................4
Setup .........................................................5
BBS System ...................................................5
General Items ...............................................5
Flag toggle .................................................10
Colours ......................................................12
The Filelists ...............................................12
Areas to list ...............................................16
Files to ignore .............................................17
External support programs ...................................17
The external viewer's .......................................18
The Archive programs ........................................19
The external utilities ......................................20
The Text "macros" ...........................................20
Keyboard setup ..............................................20
Entering the registration code ..............................21
Compile helpfile ............................................21
Editing the control files ...................................21
Save the changes ............................................22
Editor .......................................................23
How to Edit Your Files.Bbs ..................................23
How to read the function part of the manual .................23
The functions that can be used inside the editor .............25
Add Avatar colour codes .....................................25
Add character literal .......................................25
Add download Counter as specified in setup ..................25
Add GIF information to description ..........................25
Adopt Missing Files to Files.Bbs ............................26
Binary Viewer ...............................................26
Copy description from line Above ............................26
Copy tagged Lines/Files to different Area ...................26
Copy Files descriptions Anywhere and without area change ....27
Copy Line ...................................................28
Display Files.Bbs as the BBS would ..........................28
Display the External support programs .......................28
DOS Shell ...................................................28
External Archive Viewer .....................................28
External GIF Viewer .........................................29
Global Unmark of tagged Lines ...............................29
Hurl tagged Lines/Files to different Area ...................29
Hurl Files descriptions Anywhere and without area change ....29
Import FILE_ID.DIZ ..........................................29
Indent comment to position specified in the setup ...........30
Kill All tagged Lines / Files ...............................30
Look Inside Archive / GIF information .......................30
Memory Status ...............................................31
Menu in editor ..............................................31
Move Line ...................................................32
Move tagged Lines inside editor .............................32
Remove Both line and File ...................................32
Remove File but leave description in Files.Bbs ..............32
Remove missing files from Files.Bbs .........................32
Rename File on Current line .................................33
Save current Files.Bbs .....................................33
Search for Filename .........................................33
Search again ................................................33
Sort Block ..................................................34
Show text "macros" ..........................................34
Show ANSI or AVATAR file ....................................34
Strip Download counter ......................................34
Switch Area .................................................34
Tag all missing files .......................................35
Tag dupe entries in current files.bbs .......................35
Tag files older then date ...................................35
Tag line for later action ...................................35
Tagged files status .........................................35
Text viewer .................................................35
Text "macros" as defined in the setup .......................36
Toggle display file-size / -date on statusline ..............36
Touch file on current line ..................................36
Touch all tagged files ......................................36
Xpress way out of editor ....................................36
Avatar Control Codes ........................................37
Support files ...............................................38
HEADTEXT.FEB ................................................38
HURLTEMP.FEB ...............................................38
TAGTEMP.FEB .................................................38
ERROR.FEB ...................................................38
IMPORT.FEB ..................................................38
Limitations of Febbs ........................................39
Support programs ............................................39
FBA .........................................................39
Runtime Errors ..............................................39
The Filelists ...............................................40
Avatar Codes ................................................40
General items ...............................................40
The directory list ..........................................40
When, how and where? ........................................41
Headers and footers .........................................42
Area header .................................................42
Sample batch file ...........................................43
Different filelists .........................................43
Extended descriptions .......................................43
Memory Swapping .............................................44
FEBBS Vs Viruses and EXE compressors ........................46
The overlay buffer and slow machines ........................47
Commandline parameters ......................................48
Multitaskers and Share ......................................49
The future ..................................................50
Support .....................................................51
Copyright, Trademarks .......................................52
The FEBBS-Package is subject to the following licence
terms and conditions.
The FEBBS-package is supplied as it is. The author
disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including,
without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and
of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no
liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may
result from the use of the FEBBS-package.
The FEBBS-package is a "shareware program" and is provided
at no charge to the user for
evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but
please do not give it away altered or as part of another
system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to
provide personal computer users with quality software
without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for
programmers to continue to develop new products.
The FEBBS-package, all programs, the documentation and
support files are copyrighted 1991-1994 by Patrik Sjoberg.
All rights are reserved. You may copy this package for
backup purposes. You may also copy and share unmodified
copies of the whole package, providing that the copyright
notice is reproduced and included on all copies.
You may not sell the product for a fee and/or distribute
the product along with other products without written
permission, nor may you modify or remove the Copyright
Notices from the programs or the documentation files. User
clubs, if they are NOT commercial, are allowed to ask a
small amount of money for distribution and storage when
they want to share this package among their members.
It is forbidden to modify, adapt, translate, reverse
engineer, and/or disassemble the software in the
FEBBS-package. Patching the medium at places that carry
the software is seen as a program change and is also
Non-commercial users can get a licence for the usage up to
this release of the FEBBS-package for a small amount of
money. Commercial usage of FEBBS will cost somewhat more.
Also, a so called 'closed' bulletin board system (a system
where the user must pay direct to the SysOp to get full
access) has to pay more than a Non-commercial user. Usage
of the Febbs-Package on a BBS with three lines or more is
considered as 'closed BBS' usage also.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 1
What is FEBBS?
Febbs is a file area manager for your bulletin board
system, BBS. It will help you keep your file areas in
shape and create your daily filelists.
How often have you not edited those files.bbs files? How
many times have you not been "running" around in your
directory tree just to get to each of them? Copying files
cross drives just to forget to move descriptions as well.
This agony is all over with Febbs. Just sit tight and edit
every one of the files.bbs files from a directory of your
choice. No more changing directories and
unloading/reloading your editor. Move files and
descriptions easily between areas. Look inside your
archived files to find out what is in them, create your
daily filelists and statistical files and much more...
Febbs will save you, the busy system operator, countless
of hours as you would have spent maintaining the file area
part of your system. It is a small investment that will
repay itself with a couple of weeks. If You value Your own
time in any way.
2 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Support for RemoteAccess 1.11 / Maximus 2.00 / Tubbs
1.00Beta / QuickBbs 2.6x to 2.76 / SuperBbs1.15 / Proboard
Edit all your files.bbs files from one spot.
Full screen editor with standard edit commands.
Fully user definable keys for almost all functions.
Enter Avatar / control codes within the editor.
Supports' SAA/CUA in program design.
Adopt missing files to files.bbs.
Add GIF info to the description automatically when
adopting files.
Add GIF and JPEG resolution easily to files already in
your descriptions.
Create Your daily lists.
Create overview of all Your areas ASCII/ANSI/AVATAR
Create a list over frequable directories for Your Mailer.
Create a list over the 50 most downloaded files.
Strip Avatar codes from filelists.
Tag missing files that exist in Files.Bbs.
Tag dupe entries in Files.Bbs.
Hurl/copy files to other areas. Description moved as well.
When hurling/copying place the hurled/copied files at
position you like in the new Area, or if you wish hurl
without changing area.
Hurl files to any directory you wish.
Sort tagged blocks inside editor.
Look inside all major archives and at files inside
Look at GIF, JPEG files resolution.
DOSshell with built in swap to EMS, XMS or Disk.
Support for internal viewers of archives, text and binary
Support for external viewers of archives, text files,
binary files and GIF files.
Delete missing files from Files.Bbs
Search for files local and if not found local, global.
Rename files.
Slots for any external support program.
And more ...
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 3
How to get Started
Unpack the Archived file containing FEBBS.
Read all the documentation files contained in the Archive.
Put FEBBS in a directory you fancy.
Fire up FEPPLA, the Febbs setup utility. Feppla will now
create a file called FEBBS.CTL. This file contains the
setup info needed for FEBBS.
If you are upgrading from a version older than 1.00 of
FEBBS then you must delete the old FEBBS.CTL and then redo
the setup. And if you are upgrading from version 1.80 to
1.9x then you simply run FEPPLA and save the configuration
file to upgrade to the new format.
If you wish to create different setup files for different
occasions just add the switch /S:<Name> to the commandline
and the configuration file <name> will be used instead.
Just remember to do the same with Febbs when you wish to
use it later.
Why would You want a different Setup?
Imagine that You wish to create different lists for
different areas. Lets say you have One List containing PC
programs and one containing Amiga programs. Then in your
batchfile simply put the following commands:
FEBBS N F : This one uses standard config
FEBBS N F /S:Amiga.Ctl : This one uses the Non Standard
This way you can create different filelists. Just remember
to name them differently in the configurations so that
they do not use the same name when creating the lists and
thereby overwrite each other. You can read more about the
filelists later on in this document.
4 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
The configuration program is a very essential part of the
Febbs-package. If Febbs is not set up properly it will not
work properly either. So it is essential that you take
your time and walk through the whole set up program.
Through out the setup program you can always press F1 for
some on-line help. All items, except the most obvious,
have on-line help. The setup program also tries to adapt
to the SAA/CUA (Common User Interface) interface that most
new programs use nowadays. That means that F1 will always
be help and save will always be F2.
Time to fire up Feppla - The setup utility for the
BBS System
BBS type
What type of BBS Software do you use?
RemoteAccess, Maximus, Tubbs, QuickBBS,
Proboard or SuperBBS? This menu option
let you tell Febbswhat area files it
should be looking for. Either
Config.Ra/Files.Ra for Remote Access,
Area.Dat for Maximus, Axaareas.dat for
Tubbs, FlSearch.Ctl for QuickBBS 2.6x or
FilCfg.Dat for QuickBBS 2.7x. Or
Flsearch.Bbs for SuperBBS.
General Items
Path to BBS files
This is where your area files reside. That
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 5
is where your Config.Ra/Files.Ra,
Area.Dat, Axaareas.Dat, SystemXX.Dat,
FlSearch.Ctl, FileCfg.Dat or Flserach.Bbs
resides. (Depending on if your BBS
software is Remote Access, Maximus, Tubbs,
Opus, QuickBbs or SuperBbs). Febbs can
handle up to 300 areas in Your BBS. Most
of the BBS packages can't handle any more
Adopted files.
This is the comment that will be added to
files adopted to Files.Bbs by Febbs. Febbs
can handle one meta string in the adoption
description. This meta string is ~D (tilde
D) and it will insert today's date. (A
meta string is a small string that when
Febbs finds it he will replace it with
something more relevant). An adopted file
would look like this after it has been
adopted if You had entered '[0] (v0.00)'
in the setup.
ANYFILE.ZIP [0] (v0.00) Ordinary ZIPfile
Comment chosen by You.
Fig. 2.
Adopted GIF files
This is the comment that will be added to
adopted GIF and JPEG files. It works the
same way as the above adopt function. But
it also honours the ~G meta (GIF
information) string also the ~D meta
string. If You had entered '[0] ~G Adopted
: ~D' in the setup and the file was
adopted on the first of December the
adopted GIF would get the following
description. The date style is of course
configurable (later in this document).
Ordinary GIF file.
ANYFILE.GIF [0] (640*480*256) Adopted : 91-12-01
Resulting description.
Fig. 3.
The download counter
This is used when you when you add the DL
counter manually inside the editor. That
is if you use any. Febbs does NOT do any
download counting of its own. You must
install another third part utility to
6 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
handle the counters. Febbs only reads them
when creating the list of most downloaded
Date style
To be able to make the whole world happy
the date style is configurable. Choose the
style you fancy and all lists and all
dates inside the editor will look like
that. Or let Febbs figure it out from what
You normally use in Your daily DOS
Name of swap file
This option is there to let you place the
Swapfile that Febbs creates when swapping
to execute an external program or just
shelling to DOS on a RAM disk or maybe a
disk that is fast to speed up the
Swapping. Febbs has the ability to Swap
most of itself out of memory when
accessing external programs or just
Shelling to DOS. If you have EMS or XMS
memory then of course it doesn't matter
what you write on this line since no
physical swap file is generated. All
swapping is done via memory. This is also
a whole lot faster. Read more about
swapping in the "Memory swapping" section
of this manual.
Indent value
This is how many spaces that Febbs will
pad to the left of the description when
you press <TAB> inside the editor. Read
more about the function in the "How to
edit Your Files.Bbs" section of this
When you are running Febbs in batchmode to
create your daily filelists Febbs can keep
a log file of what has happened during
this unattended event. This is good if you
wake up one morning to find that your
nightly events didn't work as you thought
they would. I have tried to keep the log
file as trimmed as possible so that it
won't grow to much. Here You specify what
to call the log file and where to place
GIF information
When adopting GIF files or when using the
"Add GIF information" function Febbs will
add the HEIGHT, WIDTH and PALETTE of the
GIF image. This is Your opportunity to
design the style of this information. You
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 7
can use three meta strings to design the
style of the information. The default is
(~W*~H*~P). That is an ordinary SuperVGA
image would look like this (640*480*256).
If you wish to have another style use the
following meta-strings and create your own
inf. style.
~W = Width of GIF Image.
~H = Height of GIF Image.
~P = Number of Colours in GIF Image.
Where ~ is a Tilde (#126).
JPEG information
When adopting JPEG files or when using the
"Add GIF/JPEG information" function Febbs
will add the HEIGHT and WIDTH of the JPEG
image. This is your opportunity to design
the style of this information. You can use
two meta strings to design the style of
the information. The default is (~W*~H).
That is an ordinary SuperVGA image would
look like this (640*480).
If you wish to have another style use the
following meta-strings and create your own
inf. style.
~W = Width of JPEG Image.
~H = Height of JPEG Image.
Where ~ is a Tilde (#126).
Temporary directory
When extracting files from archives or
performing other functions Febbs might
need to put some temporary files
somewhere. This is where You tell Febbs to
store those files. This directory that You
specify here will not be erased when Febbs
is done so Febbs can share this directory
with other programs that also needs a
temporary directory.
Overlay memory
To save some conventional memory Febbs
will not load all of its code into memory
at once rather the program will when it
needs a part of itself load that
particular part into memory. This means
that Febbs needs to access its own code
8 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
from time to time. And to speed up this
access Febbs can put its code in EMS or
XMS memory to speed up this access. For
systems without EMS and XMS Febbs can read
the code from disk when needed. This is
where you tell Febbs where to put its
overlay part of the code. If you can then
choose XMS as the place where to put the
overlays since this memory is the fastest.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 9
Flag toggle
Exploding Windows
Do you wish to use Exploding windows when
inside Febbs? Just some aesthetic stuffs,
but nice for the Eye.
Display fileinfo
Febbs can show the date and size of the
file on the line that the cursor is on
then. The size and date will be displayed
on the statusline. This option sets the
default start value for this option. This
can later be toggled ON / OFF from inside
the editor.
Backup Files
Do you wish to keep BAK files of your
Files.Bbs. That is Files.Bak of every
saved Files.Bbs or not. FEBBS always
creates a BAK file when saving. This
option only chooses whether or not to
delete that Bak file after completed save
of the current Files.Bbs. This option has
no effect when you use Remote Access 1.00
new CD-Rom support since all Files.Bbs
resides in the same directory and is
called the same except the extension. So
when Febbs renames the current Files.Bbs
to Files.Bak it will overwrite the last
Files.Bak that was in the same directory.
Noise when Explode
This will let you choose whether or not to
use some sound effects when exploding the
windows onto the screen. This flag has
absolutely no meaning if the Exploding
windows option is set to OFF.
Swap out of memory when Shelling is a very
powerful feature that Febbs has that
allows almost any program to be run in a
DOS Shell from inside Febbs. Here you
decide if you wish to use this feature. On
an old machine with little memory and a
slow disk it can be painfully slow to swap
out Febbs. So if you know that you will
never use any large programs (The PAK and
ARJ archivers are considered large
programs) you may turn this feature off.
Columns in area list
When choosing area from the File Area pick
list, you can select how many columns that
you wish to have displayed on the screen
simultaneously. Possible value for this
item is 1-3.
10 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Delay when explode
When Exploding windows is set to true then
this item also effects the way this is
displayed. You can fine tune the way you
wish your Windows to Explode. This is all
depending on how fast machine you have
got. So try what settings you prefer on
your machine.
In area list from start
Mostly you wish to end in the Area Pick
List when you fire up Febbs. Set this
option to ON and Febbs will push an enter
into the keyboard buffer and by that
leaving you in the Area Pick List when you
enter Febbs. This option has only been
tested on AT machines and upwards. It may
not work on older machines.
Virus check
If you rest assure that no virus will ever
get near your machine You may want turn of
the Virus check at the start up of Febbs.
Video mode
This option will let you choose if you
wish to run Febbs in a higher line mode
then 25 rows. This only works on EGA/VGA
adapters and monitors. Febbs also supports
other modes of Screen length as long as
you do not shell to DOS and reset the
screen to an other mode. If you do that
you are on your own! Febbs will when
exiting after completed task try to
restore the screen mode to what it was
before you entered Febbs. If You wish to
run Febbs in any non standard video mode
be sure to set this option to AUTO then
Febbs will not set the vidoemode upon
execution rather simply adopt to the mode
You have when You start Febbs.
Pause after DOS shell
You may configure if you want Febbs to
pause before returning from a shell to let
you see the last screen of the program
that you shelled to. This function however
does not effect the "look inside archives"
Empty lines in files.bbs
This option lets You tell Febbs how many
empty lines You wish to have last in the
Files.Bbs file when saving it.
Fast move
When hurling (moving) files Febbs can move
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 11
files fast by simply renaming the files.
This works well as long as You are on the
same drive or You rename across
substituted or assigned drives. But this
does not work to well on some LANs. So if
You do not use the DOS commands SUBST or
ASSIGN i suggest that You have this switch
set to NO to prevent any problems.
Long areanumbers
You can, as Maximus 2.00 sysop, choose if
You want to use the long areanumbers or if
You want to stay with the old three
character style. This switch has no effect
in any other mode then Maximus 2 mode.
After this it's time to be creative. Choose Colours, This
is your change to get seasick. Have Fun.
If you wish to temporarily use Febbs on a monochrome
monitor and you have no wish to change the setup then fire
up Febbs with the parameter /M.
Will temporarily put Febbs in a monochrome mode.
The Filelists
Total List
This is the name of the global filelist
that will be created for you when you
either in batchmode (see later in this
document) or from the menu order a
News List
The same as the above is valid for
Newslist. Although this is a list of New
files the "Days for News list" number of
How old
Enter how old files that should be
included in the list of new files.
Error date
Febbs has the ability to "fix" bad dates
when creating lists. If a date is found to
be ahead of the current date Febbs will
take action and add the number of days
that is found in the "Error Date handling"
field. If you specify a negative value
larger then the number of days of files to
include in the news list you will no
12 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
longer have these files showing up in the
list of new files. This option is handy
when You have a CD-ROM with some bad dates
on it.
Condensed list
This list is a mix between the News list
and the Total list. All files are included
just like the Total list but only the
names and the descriptions after the
names. Any descriptions between two files
will be omitted.
Areas dir list
This is a list containing the directories
of all your areas that is included in the
filelist (and the areas that are tagged
for a password). This is to create a
directory over Frequable directories for
your mailer. See the list part of this
manual for more information.
Style of areas dir list
Febbs supports two styles of Areas DIR
list. The styles supported are called
FrontDoor and Binkley. The names are taken
from then both programs that uses the
different types of list. When in FrontDoor
mode Febbs will write each line in the
following Style :
and when in Binkley mode it will write the
following :
Missing files
If a file is Missing this will be
displayed instead of Date and Size in the
filelist. (or if a file has Zero length).
Overview of areas
The overview list is a little overview of
all your areas. Nothing fancy but it still
an overview. ASCII Version
Overview ANSI
This is the ANSI version of the area
overview list. Maybe nice to have on
display in your BBS so that all those twit
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 13
users will see how much files there really
are and upload something (for a change) to
get hold of the other areas.
Overview Avatar
Avatar version of the area overview list.
The same list as the above but with Avatar
colour codes instead of ANSI colour codes.
Best download lists
When creating the Total filelist Febbs can
also look at what files that have been
downloaded most. Nice to have on-line to
show your users what files that are the
most popular. You can create both an
ASCII,ANSI and AVATAR version of this
list. The 50 most downloaded files on your
system can be placed in this list. For
this to work you have to have a program
that maintains download counters in your
NICENICE.GIF [10] (640*480*256) Really
nice picture.
The part of the description with the
digits 10 is the download counter. And it
has to start at position 14 in your
Files.Bbs. But if it doesn't Febbs will
adjust this for You at runtime. Both when
creating lists in batchmode and when
loading a Files.Bbs for editing. Febbs can
handle Download counters of a variety of
styles. [](){}<>0123456789 are all valid
as download counters. Note that also just
numbers works.
NICENICE.GIF 10 (640*480*256) Really nice
The list is created when you run a total
list and you have named the ASCII, ANSI or
AVATAR versions in the Setup. Febbs does
NOT do any download counting on its own.
You must use another program to maintain
your download counters. Febbs simply use
them when it creates this list.
Number of items
You can decide how many items you wish to
appear in the "Best Download" list. Values
between five and 50 are valid.
14 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Messages to the users
The message that appears under the head in
the Filelist is configurable. The two
messages that appear is linked with the
areas that you tag as password areas (see
below) and those that you don't. It
doesn't have to be solely for file request
that you can use these little messages. It
works just as well if you just want to
inform that this area is only for
registered users or something like that.
Header of total list
This option let You specify if You want to
have a header of the total list. Perhaps a
textlogo of some description about the
contents of the list.
While adding the headers Febbs can add
some information when the list was created
and how old files that are marked as new.
There are two meta strings for this
~D = The current date
~N = How old files that are marked as new
These meta strings can be used in all
header files.
Header of news list
This option let You specify if You want to
have a header of the list of new files.
Perhaps a textlogo of some description
about the contents of the list telling the
user how old files are included or
something like that.
Footer of total list
This option let You specify if You want to
have a footer of the total list of files.
Perhaps the ASCII version of the area
overview. Or just some advertisement about
You and Your system.
Footer of news list
This option let You specify if You want to
have a footer of the list of new files.
Perhaps the ASCII version of the area
overview. Or just some advertisement about
You and Your system.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 15
Area header
The header over each file area in the
filelists are configurable. The format of
the header control file is described in
the filelist part of this manual. If you
want to edit the file from this position
in the setup program simply press F4 and
the file will be loaded into the internal
editor of Feppla.
Missing file report
Febbs can output a simple report of all
files missing or of zero length. If a file
is listed twice or more times in a
files.bbs file, a duplicate, the duplicate
will also be listed in this report.
Areas to list
Areas to list
This item will bring up a list of all the
areas specified in your areafile(s). Here
you tag which areas that will be included
in the lists, to have the password string
under the header or to be included in the
list of frequable directories for Your
mailer. To toggle the different selections
ON/OFF use the following keys :
Toggle include in lists.
Toggle password string.
Toggle include in list of directories.
Include in lists
This option selects whether or not this
area should be included in all the lists
that Febbs can produce.
The Password areas
The Password item will let you tag those
areas that needs a password to be
accessed. Either for file request (via
Your mailer) or on-line. This will put the
text that You already have specified above
in the list setup under the header of the
filelists. If an area is tagged then the
text from the "Password Freq. message"
will be put under the header and if not
tagged then the "Freq. Possible message"
will be put there instead. And as
mentioned above you can put any message
16 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
that you find suitable there. There is no
need for it to be a password message.
Directory list
Febbs can create a list of directories
that Your areas reside in. This option
toggles whether or not to include this
area or not in this list.
Files to ignore
You can define up to 10 filenames that You want Febbs to
ignore when adopting files and in other functions. This
has the advantage that if You have any files needed by
Your BBS that Febbs is not aware about then You can teach
Febbs to become aware that these files are system files.
From start Febbs is aware of all .BAK and .BBS files.
External support programs
All external programs can be accessed via the DOS Path. If
a program is in the path then simply write same command in
the configuration as you would from the DOS command line.
But if not in the path please state full path and name!
Ex. D:\PATH\PKUNZIP.EXE. Please read the part about
swapping and turn it on if you are accessing any large
programs from inside Febbs.
Febbs interacts nicely with external support programs.
These programs can both be anything you like and they are
often used to either replace or enhance some of Febbs
built in features.
To be able to pass commands to the external programs Febbs
uses so called meta strings. The following meta strings
are available on the command lines:
~C Current directory
~P Path and Name of Current files.bbs
~N Name and full path to file on current line
~@ Text list containing full names of all tagged
files in area
~D The description of the file on the current
~A Areaname of current area.
~F Filename only (no path).
The first character in the meta strings is a so called
tilde (#126). The meta strings can occur more than once on
the same line.
Febbs has been executed from C:\FEBBS. And
the commandline in the setup for Your
external program looks like this :
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 17
MTA /@~@
If You execute this, the commandline would
expand to :
The FBTAGG.TMP file is the file where Febbs puts the list
of all tagged files in the editor.
Make Them Anything (MTA) is an Archive converter by Rob
If your standing on a line looking like
FENRIR.GIF Nice Picture of Your SysOp.
And the commandline in the setup looked
like this :
Then his would expand to :
Picture of Your SysOp.
Allowing you to easily hatch files into different File
Hatch is a part of the FileEcho package called TICK by
Barry Geller.
The external viewer's
The external viewers are accessed like this :
If You have specified an external viewer then that one
will be loaded when you press the appropriate key (see
"How to edit your files.bbs" later in this manual). It
will be loaded with a commandline that is translated from
what you have written in the setup.
Se the example above.
If no viewer has been specified in the setup then Febbs
will use the built in viewer. This goes for all viewers
except the GIF viewer.
18 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Febbs supports the following types of viewers :
Archive viewer.
Text file viewer.
Binary file viewer.
GIF viewer.
ANSI viewer.
Avatar viewer.
The Archive programs
Febbs has the ability to look inside all major archive
types to look at the files that reside inside the
archives. What Febbs can't do is to unpack a file inside
an archive that you wish to look at. This is where the
external archive programs comes in. If you do not want to
look at files inside archives then you won't have to
configure any archive programs.
There is no
no need for any parameters for the arc
programs. Febbs will, when executing them, supply the
needed parameters.
Febbs supports the ability to look at files inside the
following archive types.
Archive Type
PKZIP 2.04g
LHA 2.13
LHArc 1.13
AR 0.20
LARC 3.30
Hyper 2.50
ARC 6.02
PAK 2.51
PKPak 3.61
ARJ 2.39
SQZ 1.08.3
ZOO 2.xx
Please note that LHA 2.13 is used to unpack LHarc 1.13, AR
0.20 and LArc 3.30 archives. And PAK 2.51 is used to
unpack any ARC and PAK files.
The archive programs marked with a 'Yes' on the SFX option
can Febbs also look inside the so called self extracting
archives that these archivers can produce.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 19
Please, look at the swap option if you intend to use
either PAK or ARJ since both packers require much memory
to operate properly.
If you are missing an archive type then please let us
know. And if you supply us with the technical information
about archives we probably can add that archive type in a
later release.
The external utilities
There are five slots for external support programs. These
programs can be anything you like. Just like all the other
external programs these can be accessed via the DOS path.
And if not in the path please supply full path name. All
programs can use the same meta strings as the other
external programs.
The Text "macros"
Often used text strings can be entered
here to speed up editing of Your Files.Bbs
files. These texts will be inserted at
cursor position inside the editor. That is
if you have pressed the appropriate
"HotKeys". Febbs does not support any real
macros. That is recording of keyboard
Keyboard setup
Keyboard redefinition
All key assignments of functions in Febbs
can be defined by the user on which keys
he would like them. This has the advantage
that You can streamline Febbs into Your
computer environment. This also effects
the manual that will not refer to
functions via their key assignments rather
their functions.
All functions can have to key sequences
that assigned to them. But You do not have
to assign more then one if You do not
wish. To assign a key simply place the
cursor on the key You wish to reassign and
press <ENTER>. A small box will pop up and
then You press the key You want to assign
to the function. If the key sequence is
already occupied, You will be notified. To
remove an assignment press <ENTER> and
20 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
then press <BACKSPACE> to remove the
assigned key sequence.
Entering the registration code
If you decide to use Febbs after the trial
period you must register and this is where
you enter the registration info after you
have received your keynumber.
Your Name.
Your name must be exactly as you spelled
it in the registration form and remember
that it is case sensitive.
BBS Name.
The name of your BBS is the background
that is used in Febbs. This one can be
changed after registration without the
need of a new keynumber.
General info.
Febbs has a dual key system. That is it
has both a key You enter above and a file
on disk that contains Your registration
information. When You register You will
therefore be forced to both enter a code
given to You in the setup and make sure
the keyfile (named FEBBS.KEY) resides in
the same directory as FEBBS.EXE.
Compile helpfile
When You have made changes to Your key
assignments You will most likely be
wanting to update the help in Febbs to
reflect Your new key assignments. To do
this You have to have the file called
FEBBS.TXT in the same directory as
Feppla-The setup program. FEBBS.TXT is the
source code of the binary helpfile that
Febbs uses. When You select "Compile" in
the menu, Feppla will first create a
temporary file which it inserts all Your
key assignments in and then it will
compile the binary helpfile from this
temporary file. It is beyond the scope of
this manual to describe how to program the
helpfile. But if You are interested
contact FenrisUlven Data to receive the
needed information.
Editing the control files
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 21
The area header
This option You choose to edit the area
header control file. The file has been
named already under the list setup.
Total list header
This is the top header of the total list
and the condensed list. And as with all
the other files they have been named under
the list setup.
Total list footer
The footer of the total and condensed
News list header
The header of the list of new files.
News list footer
The footer of the list of new files.
Files.bbs creation
When a files.bbs file is created this file
is used as a template for the files.bbs
file. If you want some text at the top of
every new files.bbs file then this is the
place to put it.
Edit any textfile.
Here You can edit any textfile smaller
then 64Kb of size. All You have to do is
input the full path and name of the file
You want to edit.
Save the changes
You have now reached the final decision.
To save or not to save.
22 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
The maintenance menu in Febbs is not much to talk about.
And this is the purpose of it. All you have to do is press
enter twice to find yourself in the first area.
If we look at the choose area list you will see a list of
the areas represented in your areafile. From the list
presented you can choose an area to work on.
Use either your cursor movement keys (PgUp/PgDn/Arrows),
the mouse or press a number. If you press a number watch
the lower left corner of the window, Press for example 19
<Enter> to be transferred to area no 19. This will greatly
improve the speed when choosing area if you are at the
bottom of the list and want to go to area one. Then just
press "1" and enter. Sometimes, if you wish to go to an
area that is in the range one to nine then maybe you need
to press <AreaNumber> <Space> so that Febbs understands
that you wish to go to area 4 and not to an area in the
range 40 to 49.
Febbs picklist is showing all area listing info (areas to
list, file requestable area and password areas) just as
Feppla does. This information is displayed between the
areanumber and the areaname.
How to Edit Your Files.Bbs
When you have chosen an area to edit then you will find
yourself inside an "ordinary" ASCII editor with your
files.bbs loaded in it. From here it's just plain old
boring editing <Smile>.
If you are running FEBBS with a BBS package that supports
Avatar codes then perhaps you use them in your Files.Bbs
to make the lists more interesting. Febbs has no problem
with these except the character #13 that is considered as
carriage return. But any other codes just enter them in
the editor as you did before in your old editor. Or why
not use Febbs built in Avatar colour picker. Choose any
colour from a nice colour chart and have the appropriate
Avatar Colour code added at cursor position.
When inside the editor use either the cursor keys or a
Microsoft compatible mouse to manoeuvre. Press <F1> for an
instant help from anywhere in the editor.
How to read the function part of the manual
Febbs can let You assign all functions to keys that You
prefer. This in return means that there is no easy way to
show You in this manual which keys which function is
assigned to. Therefor we have decided that only the
functions names are used as reference and not the assigned
keys sequences.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 23
But You have all the Key-Function assignments in the
available in the Febbs help system. And the Febbs help
system can be updated by You when You make changes to the
Key-Function assignments.
24 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
The functions that can be used inside the editor
Add Avatar colour codes
This is an easy way to add some nice Avatar colours
to your Files.Bbs. You can choose colour from a
colour chart. Press Enter and the Proper Avatar code
are inserted at the cursor position.
Add character literal
Add character literal at cursor position. Execute
Character literal and then Any key (or use
Alt-Keypad) to add any character to the Files.Bbs.
Even if it is occupied by a function usually. Good
to have when you adding Avatar codes or some other
Control codes that your BBS supports. Some control
codes can be added without you using these functions
but as more and more control codes are occupied by
functions inside the editor it is often easiest to
use this one all the time.
Add download Counter as specified in setup
If you execute add download counter it will be added
first to the description. You may specify the style
of the counter in the setup. If no counter specified
the description will be justified at position 14. A
check to see if a DL Counter is already present is
performed when you try to add a DL Counter. The
Check is very hard to do, due to all the different
styles of the DL counter. Hopefully it works
satisfactorily most of the time. If You are unable
to add a DL counter to a specific line try inserting
a few spaces to the description, just so that the
check for a download counter is temporarily fooled.
Add GIF information to description
If you are editing an area that has GIF files in it
and you are standing at a line with a GIF file that
looks like this ...
NICENICE.GIF A Really nice picture.
and you execute Add GIF information you will get
NICENICE.GIF (640*480*256) A Really nice picture.
That is, the Resolution and how many colours will be
added to the description of that particular file.
Nice if you have GIFs in your Files.Bbs that where
there before FEBBS Adopt function came along to add
the resolution for you. Febbs Supports both the
GIF87a standard and the new GIF89a standard.
The (X*Y*Pal) value will be inserted at cursor
position but if you are standing on the filename it
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 25
will be inserted as the first text in the
description. And if you are a registered user have a
look at the setup where You can style the added GIF
information the way you like it.
Adopt Missing Files to Files.Bbs
When you press execute the adopt command Febbs will
compare the files in the current Files.Bbs with the
files found in the directory connected with the
current Files.Bbs. Any file found on the disk and
not inside the current Files.Bbs will be added to
the bottom of the Files.Bbs with the description
chosen by You in the setup.
Binary Viewer
If you have specified an external binary viewer then
that one will be loaded when you press the key
sequence that is associated with this function. It
will be loaded with the commandline that exists of
name and full path to the file you where standing on
inside the editor.
Ex. of commandline : C:\DIV\DP.EXE
Your Setup Part added by FEBBS.
Fig. 5.
If no Binary viewer has been specified in the setup
then Febbs will use the built in viewer.
Copy description from line Above
This one Copies the description from line your
standing on to file below. Nice when your adding the
same description to multiple files.
Copy tagged Lines/Files to different Area
This option will let you copy the already tagged
lines to a different area. The select area window
comes up again and all the commands described in
this window above is working. Then, when you have
chosen an area to hurl to the files will be moved
there and then the old files.bbs will be saved and
the new one loaded. When the chosen area has been
loaded just move to the position you would like to
give the hurled files descriptions and press the
<Copy function> key again. The descriptions will now
be placed where you where standing on.
Febbs is all the time trying to find out that enough
diskspace is left on the drive that you are hurling
too. If not enough room on the destination Febbs
will stop and only let You hurl the files that will
fit. But as always there can be things that might go
26 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
wrong if you are getting short of diskspace so try
not to get into this dilemma.
If a file that you are copying already exists in the
area you are copying to FEBBS will ask you if you
wish to overwrite the file. If you answer Yes the
file will be overwritten.
To save memory, Febbs will when copying create a
temporarily file called FEBHURL.TMP. This file
contains the descriptions from Files.Bbs that are to
be hurled. Creating this file has an advantages, It
adds extra safety to the copy. What if something
happens to your system before you have had a chance
to place the copyied files and you had to restart
your computer? The descriptions would be lost
forever. But now you can simply look at the file
FEBHURL.TMP in the home directory of Febbs and there
are the descriptions.
If you try to copy a file to a path that does not
exist, FEBBS will ask if you wish to create the
directory. Although the same restrictions as the MD
command in DOS must be observed, that is Febbs can't
create a whole path Ex: C:\FILES\PASCAL\ cant be
created but if C:\FILES\ existed already then the
subdir PASCAL would be added.
See Also : Copy/Hurl Files descriptions Anywhere and
without area change.
Copy Files descriptions Anywhere and without area change
This version of the copy will not let you place the
descriptions in the area that you area copying to.
That is when copying you will NOT be transferred to
the new area. The descriptions of the files will be
placed last in the area you are copying to. Also
this version of the copy will let you copy files and
descriptions to any directory you wish. Tag as usual
the files you wish to copy and then while browsing
the areas of your areafile press <Ctrl-Enter>. A new
box will appear that let you type in the full path
to where you wish to hurl the files. If the
directory doesn't exist Febbs will ask you if you
wish to create it first. Although the same
restrictions as the MD command in DOS must be
observed, that is Febbs can't create a whole path
Ex: C:\FILES\PASCAL\ cant be created but if
C:\FILES\ existed already then the subdir PASCAL
would be added. Febbs will also try to create a new
Files.Bbs if one doesn't exist in the directory your
copying to. All the descriptions will be placed in
this Files.Bbs.
See Also : Copy/Hurl tagged Lines/Files to different
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 27
Copy Line
Pressing <Copy line> will Copy the line you are
standing in to a buffer. And pressing <Copy line>
again will transfer the buffer to line you are
standing on. A status indicator in the lower right
of the screen will indicate if something is in the
buffer. This function only works inside the current
Files.Bbs. You can not use this one to copy text
between areas.
See Also : Move line
Display Files.Bbs as the BBS would
When you execute this command Febbs will let you
look at the Files.Bbs just like the user would see.
It displays the page your standing at in the editor
and it is aware of some Avatar codes. The Avatar
codes that it is aware of is discussed in the Avatar
section later on in this manual.
Display the External support programs
A display of the External programs that you have
assigned in the setup. It displays a list of all the
external support programs in the setup. Including
the five DOS programs that you have a possibility to
DOS Shell
This option works just like any other shell to the
operating system, although the DOS Shell option will
only load an extra copy of command.com, or whatever
command processor you use, into memory. No
commandline is passed. You will find yourself inside
the directory you where editing inside the editor.
To return to Febbs simply type EXIT at the DOS
prompt and press return. Febbs will also change the
DOS prompt to remind you of this. And as in all
shells you are not allowed to load any programs that
do not release all memory after execution.
When returning from the shell Febbs will check to
see if a file called IMPORT.FEB exists in the
temporay directory. If it exists Febbs will then
read the file and import it to the files.bbs you are
currently editing.
External Archive Viewer
This one works just like the binary viewer although
the internal Archive viewer is located on a
different key sequence.
See Also : Binary Viewer, Look Inside Archive/GIF
28 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
External GIF Viewer
Febbs has no internal GIF viewer so only the
external is used if you trigger the <Alt-P)eek>
option. Remember that if You are in some none
standard text mode when You peek at GIF images then
Febbs will not be able to switch back to that mode
after You have finished to look at the GIF image. As
standard text modes are 25,43 and 50 row modes.
See Also : Binary Viewer.
Global Unmark of tagged Lines
This option clears all tags in the current Files.Bbs
See Also : Tag line for later action.
Hurl tagged Lines/Files to different Area
This option will let you hurl (move) the already
tagged lines to a different area. This function
works in most parts as the Copy version of this
function, only the differences are used. If the
file areas you are hurling between is on the same
drive no physical moving is done. Only at directory
level are the files moved. This makes the Hurl
process extremely fast. If a file that you are
hurling already exists in the area you are hurling
to FEBBS will ask you if you wish to overwrite the
file. If you answer Yes the file will be overwritten
but the description won't transferred to the new
area. This is to prevent dupe descriptions in the
area. FEBBS simply assumes that the description
already in the area is the correct and simply kills
the new one.
See Also : Copy/Hurl Files descriptions Anywhere and
without area change.
Hurl Files descriptions Anywhere and without area change
This version of the hurl will not let you place the
descriptions in the area that you area hurling to.
That is when hurling you will NOT be transferred to
the new area. The descriptions of the files will be
placed last in the area you are hurling too. This
file works just as the copy version of this
See Also : Copy/Hurl tagged Lines/Files to different
Febbs can import FILE_ID.DIZ from archives into the
editor. This option is available from both a hot key
and from the menu. The FILE_ID.DIZ file is a small
file describing the program in the archive. Usually
this text will need some editing after it has been
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 29
imported since many people writing the description
adds to much information and your users will very
fast get tired with long file descriptions.
Indent comment to position specified in the setup
Sometimes when descriptions of files that take more
than one line it is nice to be able to indent the
following lines at a position that will look nice
when your BBS displays them. Pressing tab will do
that for you with the line you are standing on. If
the line doesn't fit it well be wrapped to the next
line. Please not that you cannot indent a file. So
if the line you wish o indent is starting at
position 1 then Febbs consider that one to be a
file. Inserting a space as the first character on
the line will let you indent it with <TAB>.
Kill All tagged Lines / Files
Just as the header says this function kills (erases)
all tagged lines (and the associated files) in the
editor. If a file is missing it simply works as
<Ctrl-Y> - Remove line.
See Also : Remove Both line and File.
Look Inside Archive / GIF information
Febbs has the ability too peek inside most of the
major Archives that are so popular on BBS systems.
Archived files save both time when Downloading and
space on the System Operators disk. And in the same
time it sees to that all files in a package is kept
together. That is documentation and the Executables
will never part.
When you execute this function You will see a window
with the contents of the archive you where standing
on with the cursor. If the file is a GIF file
instead of an archive you will see an info-window
containing relevant information about that
particular GIF picture.
After Febbs has scanned the entire file you will be
able to scroll around inside the window just like
when choosing a filearea. And if you wish to look at
a file inside the archive just press enter and that
particular file is unpacked and loaded into the
either the internal viewer or external. All
depending on whether or not you have configured any
of these in the Setup. Febbs will load the Binary
viewer if the file has an extension of EXE, COM or
OVR. And load the texviewer if any other extension
is found. Febbs will behave just as when you use the
viewers from inside the editor. Please note that for
this function to work you have to install the
external archivers in the Setup. Febbs do NOT do any
unpacking of its own.
30 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Febbs supports the ability to look at files inside
the following archive types.
Archive Type Version SFX
PKZIP1.10 Yes
LHA 2.13 Yes
LHArc1.13 Yes
AR 0.20 Yes
LARC 3.30 Yes
ARC 6.02
PAK 2.51
ARJ 2.21 Yes
ZOO 2.xx
SQZ 1.08.3 Yes
The Archive programs with the SFX flag are Febbs
also able to peek into the so called SelF-Extracting
files made by these Archives Please note that PAK
2.51 needs approximately 185 Kb to work properly.
And the ARJ archiver is also a real memory hog so
consider Febbs abilities to swap itself out of
memory if You plan to look at files inside ARJ,PAK
or ARC Archives.
When your looking at files inside archives Febbs
needs to extract the file to be able to let you have
a look at it. If you do not wish to use the standard
temporary directory that Febbs has hardcoded into
itself, then specify in the setup under GENERAL
ITEMS where Febbs should store the extracted file.
When you are looking inside archives Febbs will use
the viewer that you have defined or not defined if
you wish to use the internal. If you have installed
an external viewer Febbs will, to make this
operation as fast as possible, create a BATCH file
in its home directory and from that batch file
execute the programs. Both the Unpacker and the
viewer. Otherwise Febbs would have to shell twice
and if you have not got any XMS or EMS memory then
the swap operation can take a while.
See Also : External Archive Viewer.
Memory Status
The function memory status will display both disk
status and memory status. It shows all drives in
the system.
Menu in editor
If You are not that familiar with Febbs and the Key
assignments You have selected You can rest calmly
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 31
because there is a menu in Febbs which has all
functions that are available via "hotkeys". So
simply invoke the editor and browse the menus to
decide what function You want to perform.
Move Line
Move line works just like Copy line although the
line you are standing on will be moved to the buffer
instead of copied. And the next time you press <Move
Line> it will be transferred to the line the cursor
was on. Please note that if you move something into
the movebuffer and then switch filearea the line
inside the buffer will be lost.
See Also : Copy Line, Move tagged Lines inside
Move tagged Lines inside editor
This function moves the tagged lines inside the
editor. When execute this function all the tagged
lines in the editor will be moved to the line you
are standing on. Nice if you wish to move a number
of files. A bit too much job to do that with Move
See Also : Move Line
Remove Both line and File
This function will Delete the file and description
not only from the list but from the disk as well.
FEBBS will ask you if you are sure when deleting
files. No harm done if you choose the wrong file.
Although Febbs will not ask if the Files is missing
and its only a textline. Then this function works
just as if you had pressed <Ctrl-Y> - Delete Line.
See Also : Remove File but leave description in
Remove File but leave description in Files.Bbs
Removes the file but leaves the description. This
one can be used when you are short of diskspace but
wish to leave the description in the list and
thereby make it <MISSING> when your users view your
See Also : Remove Both line and File, Kill All
tagged Lines / Files
Remove missing files from Files.Bbs
When you execute this function Febbs will check that
all the files in Files.Bbs really exists. If an
entry does not exist on disk then it is removed from
32 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
See Also : Tag All Missing Files
Rename File on Current line
When executing rename you will be able to Rename the
file on the current line. Febbs will automatically
update the Files.Bbs file for You as well as
renaming the file on disk.
Save current Files.Bbs
When saving Files.Bbs Febbs will handle any upcoming
errors. If an error should occur then Febbs will
prompt You for a new filename so You may save the
file elsewhere.
Search for Filename
When executed this function will pop up an entry
field where you enter a search string to look for.
Please note, no wildcards or anything like that. If
You wish to find "NICEGIRL.GIF" just enter "GIRL".
Then Press <Enter> to start search. Febbs will first
search in the current area for the name. Starting at
row below the cursor position and to the end. If
Febbs find "GIRLS.GIF" and stops at that but you
know that one is not the right one use <Search
Again> to continue Search. But if not Found then a
Question will pop up on the screen asking if you
wish to search Global. If you answer yes you will
see Febbs strawl down all your Areas looking for the
file. Only Files listed in Files.Bbs is taken into
the search. After completed search or after you have
pressed a key to stop search You will see the found
(if any) Files in a Scrollable window just like the
Choose area window. And if you position yourself
upon a File and press enter you will automatically
be transferred to that file. If in another area, a
new Files.Bbs will be loaded. And the cursor will be
placed on the File you wanted to go to.
See Also : Search again.
Search again
As described under the <Search for filename>
function <Search again> continues the search after
the first "hit". Ex. A nice way to use search is
like this. You have just received the latest DSZ
protocol by Chuck Forsberg and wants to hurl it
from the upload area to its appropriate area. But
you do not remember where the old versions area.
Simply press <Search for file> enter the Search
argument DSZ press enter and Febbs will start
looking for any DSZ files for you. When you see the
old ones popping up in the search window press any
key to stop search. You Now see where the old file
is, what it is called, what area and area number.
You remember the number and presses Escape to
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 33
abandon the Search completely. You tag the New DSZ.
Press <Hurl file> for Hurl. Enter the area number
where the old ones where. For example 15 and press
Enter. You will find yourself inside the Files.Bbs
of area 15 at the top. Now to get to the old DSZ
files simply press <Search Again> to Continue search
and viola there you are. Press <Hurl file> to "put
down" the new DSZ and use <Remove file> to get rid
of the old one. Simple and Fast. What more could you
See Also : Search for Filename
Sort Block
This one will let you sort a block that you first
mark with the direction keys. The direction keys are
Up-/Down-Arrow and PageUp/PageDown. When You have
marked the block that You wish to sort press
<Enter>. Please not that Febbs do not support
sorting of multiline descriptions.
Show text "macros"
This will pop up a little box on the screen showing
what macros you have defined in the setup. Good to
have when your memory isn't what it ought to be :-)
Show ANSI or AVATAR file
With this command you can look at ANSI and Avatar
pictures. When You execute this function Febbs will
view the following files. .ANS, .AVT, .ASC, .MUS and
Strip Download counter
A lot of people use download counters in their
files.bbs files to show the users which files are
the most popular. And Febbs has the ability to add
these counters but not update them. But what happens
when You want to remove those download counters?
Well, that's easy. Just use the following function
to have Febbs remove the download counter on the
current line.
Switch Area
When you are inside the editor it would be very
clumsy if you had to leave it and return to the main
menu every time you wished to change area to work
on. Therefore Febbs has the ability to let you
choose a new area to work on from inside the editor.
This function works just like the choose area item
from the main menu. Just cruise between your areas
and select a new one with enter. (or use the HotKeys
! That is if you wish to go to area 19 simply press
1, watch the lower left corner of the window, press
9 and press Enter. As fast as it can be) You will
upon selection be transferred directly to the new
34 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
area. The Files.Bbs you leave will automatically be
saved if you have done any changes to it. If you
wish to discard your changes you will have to choose
F3 (or ESC) to abandon your changes. And take of
from the main menu for new adventures in Files Land.
Tag all missing files
Maybe <Remove all missing files> is a bit too strong
for you. You wish to have files off-line" due to
lack of disk space. But you do not wish to keep all
that junk lying around as off-line. Easy, Simply
press <Tag missing> and all missing files will be
tagged and then untag those you wish to keep and the
others use <Kill tagged files>
See also : Remove missing files from Files.Bbs, Kill
All tagged Lines/Files.
Tag dupe entries in current files.bbs
This function will compare all file names in the
Current Files.Bbs to see if any Duplicate entries
exist. If any, they will be Tagged and you are able
to see which are dupes and afterwards take
appropriate actions.
See Also : Kill All tagged Lines / Files
Tag files older then date
Use this function to tag files in the current area
that are older then the date You input. Useful when
You want to get rid of old files lying about and
wasting space that can be used to hold new and
exciting files.
Tag line for later action
Tag line will simply tag the line you are standing
on. It will change colour to the colour chosen by
you in the setup to indicate that it is tagged. If
the line is already tagged then the line will be
non-tagged. Simply a Tag-Toggler.
See Also : Global Unmark of tagged Lines.
Tagged files status
This function will display how many files that have
been tagged and the total size of the tagged files.
Text viewer
Febbs internal textviewer has some limitations. It
can only handle 2000 lines and it can only handle as
much lines that can be stored in memory. it can't
wrap lines either. But it is in my opinion fully
functional for its purposes. The external text
viewer works just like the Binary.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 35
See Also : Binary Viewer.
Text "macros" as defined in the setup
These texts, that you have specified in the setup,
will be inserted at cursor position when you press
the appropriate "HotKey".
Toggle display file-size / -date on statusline
This toggles the option to display size and date of
file on current line on the statusline. The default
state of this toggle is already chosen in the setup.
Touch file on current line
If you execute this function the file on the current
line will be stamped with the current date and time.
Nice if you have manually copied in some new files
from floppy and wish to let your users now that
these are new files.
See Also : Touch all tagged files
Touch all tagged files
Touch all tagged files. Works just like <Touch file>
that touches the file on the current line, although
this one touches all tagged files. By touching i
mean setting current date and time on the file.
See Also : Touch File on Current line
Xpress way out of editor
When your in a hurry to leave Febbs use the Xpress
way out of the editor. When inside the editor and in
editing mode a press of <Xpress way out> will
transfer you directly to DOS. Although if you have
made changes then Febbs will ask you if you are
36 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Avatar Control Codes
Febbs is aware of some Avatar codes. Avatar stand for
Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator
and is a TM of George A. Stanislav. I will not go in to
deep here on the Avatar codes but if you wish to examine
them closer i suggest you get hold of the following
FidoNet technical Standards documentation's :
FSC-0025 and FSC-0037
They should be available on most Bulletin Board Systems
(BBS) but if you can't find them contact me and i will
supply you with them.
The Following codes are supported by Febbs.
Repeat Character.
Turn Blink on.
Change Colour.
Where ^ stands for Control (Ctrl). Press down Ctrl and
then Press the Character after ^ to create the Control
These codes are supported in both the Files.Bbs viewer and
when creating lists. When looking at the current
Files.Bbs with the viewer Febbs will translate the Avatar
codes into proper colours, blinks and expand any repeat
char sequence. And when creating the filelists Febbs will
strip the Colour and Blink codes and expand the repeat
char sequence. That way your users will get a filelist
that looks just like the list they saw on the screen while
they where on-line.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 37
Support files
There are a files used by Febbs that aren't configurable.
Theese files have names that are hardcoded into the Febbs
program. Below you will find a list of theese files and
what they are used for. All other files are configurable
in the setup program and they are not mentioned here.
The text lines inserted when creating a files.bbs
file is configurable. The file HEADTEXT.FEB which is
a textfile placed in the same directory as Febbs
contains the text to be inserted. This file can be
edited from within Feppla.
The temporary file that Febbs creates when
moving/hurling files. The file will be created in
the directory that the Febbs setup is pointing to as
a temporary directory.
Temporary file created when shelling to hold tagged
files if the commandline parameter passed was ~@.
This file is created if Febbs crashes during
runtime. The file will contain the runtime error
information and you can submit this information to
us so that we can fix the problem.
After shelling to the operating system Febbs will
when returning check for the presence of this file
and if it exists Febbs will read the contents and
import it to the files.bbs file you are currently
This feature is useful when looking at text files
either inside an archive or a non archived file and
you want to import some text as a description into
Febbs. There is no limitation of the size of
IMPORT.FEB. Febbs will import until the editor
reaches its limit.
38 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Limitations of Febbs
There are some limitations in Febbs. Some area of design
built into the program and some are limitations of the
platform the program runs under.
OS/2 2.1 kernel PJ09050 has problems when running
Borland Pascal generated code that uses the overlay
manager. So my recomendation is to NOT use this kernel
if You plan to run Febbs.
Febbs does not support lines longer then 150 characters
in files.bbs.
Febbs supports 2000 file areas. If you have any more
then this number please let me know. Maximus v2.xx does
not handle more then 1200 areas before it will trash its
own index file. The indexfile is a must for Febbs to
read the file areas and therefore Febbs can not support
more then 1200 areas under Maximus v2.xx.
Febbs will replace all character 255 found in the
files.bbs file with character 32 (space). This is to fix
a bug in the Maximus filebase compiler. This isn't relly
a limitation but rather a planned feature.
Support programs
FBA will dump all fileareas found in your BBS
configuration to screen. This tool is handy when you
suspect that Febbs is missing out on something when
reading your area file and you want to check out
what it is.
Runtime Errors
Built into Febbs is an errorhandler for Runtime Errors
(God forbid that there are any). Febbs will tell you what
is wrong in plain English and will also create a file in
the current directory called ERROR.FEB with the same
information. Please forward this file with a detailed
explanation of how you managed get the Error to the
author. Otherwise i won't be able to fix it. But before
you report it to me see to that you can reproduce the
error on your machine. I can not correct any errors if i
cant reproduce them.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 39
The Filelists
A very Important feature of Febbs is the ability to create
filelists for your daily maintenance. Febbs is able to
create a variety of lists Those are :
Total Filelist of all chosen areas.
A Newslist of new files in all chosen areas.
An Overview list of all chosen areas.
A list over the physical directories that your areas
resides in.
A list over the 50 most downloaded files on your BBS.
These files can be created from the menu or by calling
Febbs with commandline parameters. The Overview of chosen
areas and the best download list is available in both
ANSI, ASCII and AVATAR flavour.
Avatar Codes
If you are running Febbs with a BBS package that handles
Avatar codes, or with the files.bbs Browser from
FenrisUlven Data then maybe you use Avatar Codes in your
Files.Bbs to increase the viewability. Febbs will when run
strip all Avatar codes from the lists and expand any
Repeat Char Codes. (See the Avatar part of this manual)
Thereby make the lists very viewable in text also. Gone is
all those happy faces that the users hate when they tried
to read the lists or even worse, Print them! Have you ever
seen what Avatarcodes does to a Printer? It isn't a pretty
sight i might tell you. Well Febbs will take care of it
all, so happy filelisting and to your users have a nice
General items
Febbs wraps the descriptions in the fileslists if they are
to long. This is done i all three list types (Full, news
and condensed). When running in batchmode Febbs has the
ability to create a logfile. This log file will let you
know a thing or two about Febbs unattended operations. If
you do not want a log file then simply leave the logfile
field in the setup empty. Today the logfile is in a
FrontDoor TM style but if you feel that you
different style let me know.
The directory list
The directory list is meant to keep your Frequable
directories up to date. That is this file that is used by
your mailer to determine which directories that are file
requestable. Haven't you sometime redesigned the physical
location of your file areas? And did you, at that time,
remember to modify to modify the list over file
requestable directories?
The answer is most likely to be no.
40 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Febbs will now take care of that for you. But maybe you
got a few areas that you do NOT want to be included in the
filelist but you wish to be frequable anyway. An example
is my Beta directory where i keep Beta versions of my
software. I Still wish this directory to be frequable but
i do not wish to display to the public what is going on
here. So therefore you simply create a file called
This file will automatically at creation time for the
directory list be added to the above mentioned list.
Mine looks like ...
... Nothing Fancy at all.
Another way of doing this, if you have the directories
that you wish to include in this list set up in Your area
file, is to tag areas in the list of areas that should
have the password message added to them. And not tag them
in the areas to list option. Febbs will include the areas
that are tagged in the areas to list as well as those that
also those that has the password tag set. This is so that
areas not in the filelist can be accepted as frequable by
Your mailer.
When, how and where?
Three files, Overview list, Directory list and most
Downloaded files, will automatically be created when you
choose the Total list from either the main menu or via the
commandline (of course also the Total list will be
created). If you do not wish to create these lists simply
leave them out of the setup. That is do not give them a
name just leave the input field blank.
The commandline parameters are "N", "F" and "C". Where "N"
stands for Newslist, "F" for Full list and "C" for the
Condensed list.
Would create a newslist. And ...
Would create a Full list over all your areas. An overview
list and a directory list. Of course can you do it like
this ...
This is my recommendation if you wish to create both a
Full list, a news list and a condensed list. Since all
lists area created at the same time. That way Febbs
doesn't have to scan all your areas twice this way.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 41
Headers and footers
But what is a filelist without some nice advertising in
the beginning? Yes let's have some nice information about
your BBS in the beginning of the Filelists. So simply
create a header in a style you fancy and enter the
filename of the header in the setup. You can put different
headers into the Total list and the news list. Still the
Total list, and the condensed list,uses the files the same
header and the News list will use its own header.
There are two meta strings that can be used in the header
of the filelist.
~D The current date
~N How old files that are marked as new.
The header files are specified in the setup program.
Information about the setup program and its options are
found in the beginning of this manual.
Area header
Above each new area Febbs will put a so called area
header. This header contains some information about the
particular area (like areaname and so on). Febbs has one
pre-defined header that will be used if You do not specify
a header. The area header is specified in a normal
textfile that You can edit from within Feppla, the setup
program. You can design the header that comes before each
area in the filelist. This is done in a text file that You
can call anything You want. Just make sure to in the
setup, under list setup -> Headers/footers to set "Area
header ctrl file" to point at this text file. Included as
an example is HEAD.FEB that also explains the metastrings
The meta strings that You can use in the area header are
the following :
Area name left justified [40 characters]
Area name right justified [40 characters]
Area number [3 characters] [9 characters
if full Maximus 2 area numbers enabled]
Access level to this area [10 characters]
Number of files [5 characters]
Size of all files in Kbytes [6 characters]
Number of downloads in this particular
area [4 characters]
42 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Headstart starts header information and Headend ends
header information Up to 10 lines can be used for a header
and they can be up to 80 chars wide. If You have several
headers in this file all You have to do is comment out the
headstart/headend commands. No need to comment out the
header. A line starting with a ";" character is treated
like a comment.
Example :
;Febbsstandard header
HEADSTART #~# ~A Privilegie : ~L
Sample batch file
Now you are ready to start creating those nice lists that
everyone just loves to download. I would recommend that
you somewhere in your nightly maintenance add the command
to create the lists and then simply after creation Zip
them up and copy them to your Filelist area. Maybe
something like this :
This is my batchfile for creating my lists. Nothing Fancy
at all.
Different filelists
But wait a second! I want to create different lists for
different users. That is the PC users doesn't like to
download filelist that contain Amiga files and vice versa.
That's easy! Simply create a new config file with Feppla
like this.
FEPPLA /S:Amiga.Ctl
Set up the areas you wish to include and name the
filelists. Then Run ...
FEBBS N F /S:Amiga.Ctl
and that Setup file will be used. For more information see
the setup part of this document.
Extended descriptions
Febbs understands SuperBBS extended descriptions when
creating the filelists. Febbs will when finding a >
character in the second position of a string in files.bbs
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 43
remove this character and indent the description to the
position specified in the setup under General
items->Indent to column. Febbs does not yet understand
that this is an extended description inside the editor.
Febbs also know about the Maximus bbs special identifiers.
Febbs will strip the codes /T, /B and /TB that are first
on the description line in when creating the filelist.
These codes are used to indicate free byte download and
free time download in the Maximus bbs.
Memory Swapping
When shelling Febbs has the ability to swap itself out of
memory to make room for other programs to run. When
swapping, Febbs can swap to Disk, EMS and XMS. FEBBS will
check for the presence of EMS and use that for the swap
file. If there is no EMS or not enough free EMS, FEBBS
will try to allocate XMS memory, and if there is no XMS or
not enough Febbs will try to swap to disk.
You have the ability to toggle swapping on or of in the
setup. If you are using a system with slow disks and no
extra memory then it can be good to turn of swapping to
speed things up. Please keep in mind that PAK for instance
needs approximately 185 Kb of memory to operate and ARJ
even more, so therefore check how much memory you have
when shelling from Febbs before you decide to turn
swapping off.
FEBBS leaves only approx. 10k resident when swapping. This
will give you maximum ram to do whatever you wish from
within FEBBS. Please note that you must not load any TSRs
or other programs that doesn't give back all memory when
you are finished with them. And also be aware of quirks
that exists if you are using DesqView and have set the
"Writes text directly to screen" option to false. See the
DesqView section of this text for more information.
The path and name of the swap file that FEBBS creates is
configurable. Go into FEPPLA and select General Setup and
set the full path AND filename of the swap file. Just make
sure you don't set it to a filename that already exists on
your drive or that file WILL be overwritten.
A good place for the swap file would be a ram drive. This
will speed up the swapping process if you don't have any
EMS or XMS, but be advised that the swap file size is
around 220k so set your ram drive size accordingly.
If you have extended memory and wish to be able to use it
as XMS memory install the Device driver called HIMEM.SYS
that Microsoft supplies with most of their programs. Edit
the file called CONFIG.SYS to look like this in the
beginning of the file
44 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
And also see to that the HIMEM.SYS file is located in your
root directory (or change the path above to where the file
is located). Or if you own a 386 then you can use any
other memory manager (QEMM, 386Max) to create XMS memory.
But then you can just as well use the EMS memory to swap.
Febbs will check the memory like this: First EMS second
XMS and last DISK. Shelling to memory is a whole lot
faster then to shell to disk. Since i feel i must give my
registered users some value for their money i have decided
to make the XMS and EMS swap only available to those that
have registered. The DISK swap works just the same in both
registered and unregistered version.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 45
FEBBS Vs Viruses and EXE compressors
Early versions for Febbs was compressed with LZEXE (c)
1989 Fabrice BELLARD. This was prevent the program from
being attacked by viruses since LZEXE performs a CRC check
of the file upon execution. But with the release of
numerous unpackers for LZEXE this is not a reliable method
any longer. Therefore Febbs scans itself upon execution
and checks if any changes were made to the EXE files. If
there were, Febbs will halt with an error message. Please
note that due to the CRC check of the EXE file you can not
pack this program with LZEXE or PkLite.
And also remember that Febbs is an overlayed program and
the EXE compressors can not compress the overlayfile so
the gain is not very large if you where to compress Febbs
with any for the EXE compressors on the market.
46 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
The overlay buffer and slow machines
Since many persons still use old XT machines to run BBS
systems they usually do not like the overlay part of
Febbs. Overlays slow down the program since not all the
code is kept in memory , only the parts that area needed.
The reason for this is to save memory so that larger
files.bbs files can be loaded into Febbs for editing.
Since XT machines usually haven't got that big disks and
thereby not that big files.bbs files i have made the
overlay buffer size configurable. The larger the buffer,
the less disk access by Febbs. That is if you do not have
EMS or XMS memory, then Febbs will use EMS or XMS memory
for the overlays. If you have EMS or XMS then you most
certainly never want to tamper with the overlay buffer
size. So if you wish to reduce disk access by Febbs use
the following switch to set the amount of memory that
Febbs should allocate for the overlay.
/O:<Buffer Size>
The size of the original buffer size is displayed when you
try to change the size of the buffer. Now it is up to you
to configure the size of the buffer that is the best for
your system. Make sure that you have saved enough of
memory to load your largest files.bbs file.
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 47
Commandline parameters
There are several command line parameters that Febbs
accepts. Most of them has already been discussed in the
documentation but this is a specification of all of them
in one place.
/M Use the monochrome colour set of Febbs.
/S:<FileName> Use <filename> as setup file.
F Create a Full Filelist
N Create a News Filelist
C Create a Condensed Filelist
/X Leave out the name of the registered user
from the different lists that Febbs
/O:<Buffer Size>Used when changing the overlay buffer in
/D Debug mode. When this mode is set Febbs
displays more information on the status
line when in the area pick list. This is
useful when trying to determine if it is
Febbs or Your setup that is not working.
? Display a helpscreen of the available
command line parameters.
48 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
Multitaskers and Share
Febbs is Multitasker- and Share-aware. That means that
Febbs will when opening files try to allow others to
access the files at the same time. All files, except
textfiles, are opened in deny-write-mode. That is, other
programs are allowed to read but not write to files opened
by Febbs while Febbs is reading them.
Febbs will never have a file open longer than necessary to
get the needed information from it. The Screen writes in
Febbs is aware about DesqView and asks DesqView (DV
hereafter) for an alternative video buffer. Thereby you
can set the direct screenwrites option in DV to no. But be
aware that if you shell from inside Febbs to a program
that uses direct screenwrites, then when you return to
Febbs you will most likely not be able recognise the
program that you left. This is because the other program
that you executed from inside Febbs has fooled DV into
changing vidoebuffer. So in most cases i recommend that
you have the direct Screenwrites option set to yes inside
DV. I also recommend that you assign at least 2 or more
text and graphics pages to the window that you run Febbs
in. Not that Febbs needs it but if you shell to an
external program it might.
How much memory you give to Febbs is all up to you but
check the memory status with when you decide how much to
give to Febbs. Please keep in mind that every line in a
files.bbs file occupies approximately 162 Bytes of memory
inside Febbs editor. So a 300 lines files.bbs file
occupies approximately 48,600 bytes in memory. Try be not
to stingy when you assign memory to Febbs. Give the
program elbow room to work.
Febbs will also, when idle waiting for a keystroke, slice
away CPU time to other tasks running under DesqView,
Windows 3.xx or OS/2. This has the advantage that Febbs
allows other tasks to execute faster and smother while
Febbs isn't doing anything in particular. Febbs was
developed on machines running OS/2 and Febbs is working
very well in an OS/2 DOS box.
If access is denied to a files.bbs file then Febbs will
inform You of so. Access Denied can occur on multiline
systems when several tasks try to access the same files.
For this to work you must have loaded the DOS utility
SHARE.EXE before you start.
If a files.bbs file is missing then Febbs will ask you if
you wish to create it or not. Febbs will not report that a
files.bbs file is missing just because it is locked at the
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 49
The future
The Febbs-package is under constant development. And most
of the items that are added, or changed to become more
user-friendly, have been made possible only because of the
close relationship between the users and the developers of
the Febbs-package. That is one of the many advantages of
the shareware concept (which this package is distributed
under). So if you have any questions or suggestions to
further enhance the program that You have been kind enough
to support by buying a license, please drop me a line via
electronic mail or standard mail at an address found later
on in this documentation.
Some functions that are pending to be implemented are the
Add headers in Files.Bbs while creating filelists.
A native OS/2 version
50 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs
If You wish to contact the development team of Febbs You
can always reach us at the following addresses.
The World except the USA.
FenrisUlven Data
Attn: Patrik Sjoberg
Sorbygatan 69B
S-802 55 Gefle
E-Mail : 2:205/208@Fidonet
ZyXEL U-1496+ 19200bps
Data Line : +46-26-628057
FAX : +46-26-652101
Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs - 51
Copyright, Trademarks
PKPAK is a TM of PKWare Inc.
PKUNPAK is a TM of PKWare Inc.
PKZIP is a TM of PKWare Inc.
PKUNZIP is a TM of PKWare Inc.
PAK is a TM of NoGate Consulting.
ARC is a TM of SEA inc.
LZH and LHarc are TM of Yoshi;
LZS and LARC are TM of K.Miki H.Okumura, K.Masuyama
ARJ is a TM of Robert K. Jung
HYPER is a TM of Peter Sawatzki and Klaus Peter
AR is a TM of Haruhiko Okumura
ZOO is a TM of Rahul Dhesi.
QuickBBS is a TM of Pegasus Software.
RemoteAccess is a TM of Continental Software
FrontDoor is a TM of Joaquim H. Homrighausen
Tubbs is a TM of Mats Bjork
TubFile is a TM of Jorgen Olsson
Opus is a TM of Wynn Wagner III
Maximus is a TM of Scott Dudley
Desqview is a TM of Quarterdeck Systems
Qemm is a TM of Quarterdeck Systems
386Max is a TM of Qualitas
MS-DOS is a TM of Microsoft corporation
MTA is a TM of Rob Van.Hoeven
TICK is a TM of Barry Geller
GIF is a TM of CompuServe Inc.
Avatar is a TM of George A. Stanislav
LZEXE is a TM of Fabrice Bellard.
The FEBBS-Package was written in Borland Pascal 7.0.1 and
Turbo Assembler 3.01, with help of the Turbo Debugger 2.01
and makes use of Turbo Professional v5.22, Object
professional 1.22 and PSCF v0.09. Also included are some
routines of Anders Brink's fine tools called ABUnit which
is public domain.
Turbo Pascal is a TM of Borland International
Turbo Debugger is a TM of Borland International
ABUnit is a TM of Anders Brink
Turbo Professional is a TM TurboPower Inc.
Object Professional is a TM of TurboPower Inc.
PSCF is a TM of Patrik Sjoberg
52 - Febbs, filemanagement for your bbs